Poetica: The Reveal

Yesterday I got to meet Elise - Founder of the Poetica Project in Christchurch, and sign my name to my poem the wall; I'm so grateful that I've been able to get involved in such a great scheme to spread poetry around this changing city.

Thanks to my fab friends for joining me. Here's hoping I'll be partaking in more Poetica projects in the future.

Link Love

I thought I'd share a few of my favourite links I've encountered on the web of late.  Enjoy!

Ideas about what to do when you wake up at 6am and feel like you're alone in the world with time to kill...
A Guide to Literary New York (anyone keen to sponsor me on an educational excursion?)
A great Guardian piece about Literary Non Fiction
This inspiring video of Dr Ryan Reynolds speaking at the recet Tedx EQChCh Conference
An easy literary D.I.Y.

Check out more awesome literary photos here.

"Sam": A Short Story

Today I throw caution to the wind again and share another short story; this is part of a longer project, a set of five short stories, which explore themes of identity and voice.  While I was writing this collection, I was experimenting a lot with different character voices, and looking at the construction of identity; how it is influenced by other people's ideas, memories and experiences and how our own ways of telling stories can often be both supported and negated by others.  My work also deals with post colonial issues, which is something I want to explore more in my poetry as well.

Here is the link: "Sam" (a Short Story)

Once again, I invite your comments, criticism etc.  Enjoy your weekend!

The Wordinary: Entry No. 12


in-tro-douche [in-troh-doosh]
Pretty self explanatory really.  You know those awkward moments when you:

a) Have to introduce a douche; or

b) Make yourself look like a douche whilst attempting to introduce yourself...

For more about The Wordinary click  here

Sun and Sumner

A beach excursion (in which we reacquaint ourselves with sunshine).

It's so good to feel the sand between my toes and start planning our next adventure...


Poetica is the Christchurch Urban Poetry Project: an initiative which aims to brighten up our earthquake stricken streets with poetical inspiration.  There are park benches poised for reinvigoration with poetry, blank walls awaiting new found lyrical lives, and spaces where poetry can be read aloud and enjoyed by passers by; in short, it's a pretty cool creative collaboration to be a part of so I decided to get amongst it.

 Members of the public are encouraged to write their own poetry, take a photo, and upload it onto the Poetica Facebook page for others to enjoy.  In addition, the poem with the most "likes" at the end of September, will be painted permanently on the wall. 

On the left, is my little contribution, inspired by the earthquakes our city has experienced and is still working hard to recover from.  Much to my surprise, it's gaining a lot of support and just might be the one chosen to be painted. 

Click here to see more and here if you'd like to "like' mine and help me get mine painted on the wall!  (Or like, feel free to like another one of course!) (Ok, enough with the likes, I promise...)                   
UPDATE: It's going to be painted on the wall! Exciting!

The Wordinary: Entry No. 11

shelf esteem

shelf es-teem [ʃɛlfɪˈstim]

1. A favourable image of oneself gained from various self help books.

For more about The Wordinary click here


Reading: Lie Down in Darkness by William Styron.  (Just finished Dave Eggers' "You Shall Know Our Velocity".  Highly recommended).

Watching: "Old" Disney films (The Lion King and Aladdin down, The Beauty and the Beast up next)

Working on: The finishing touches to the Stranger & Co Poetry Project - all will be sent out next week!

Laughing at: family photographs with Mum.

Preparing for: six more weeks of school and a wedding photography assignment (can't wait!)

Dreaming about: our trip to Wellington in November to see The Black Keys and Mumford and Son.

Choosing: the design for my first tattoo...

I have three more sleeps until the end of my holiday. (Sigh). It's been so damn good.